Kamatz - Mevasseret Zion Community

The community in Mevaseret Zion is proud to be part of the Reform Movement – Progressive Judaism in Israel

A vibrant community that brings to the Israeli experience spiritual wealth and pluralistic and equitable Judaism,

 combining tradition and modernity. 

Kamatz Activities
Pre-Schools and Day-Care Center
Bar / Bat Mitzvah
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Services and activities for the entire community

Pre-Schools and Day-Care Center

Bar/Bat Mitzvah


Life Circle Events

For more information...

Friday Night Prayers

The heart of the community is the synagogue: prayers on Friday evenings, at 17:30 (summer time) and 17:00 (winter time).

Join our Community

We invite you to join the Kamatz community and become members of the community. Your joining supports pluralistic Judaism in Israel and in Mevaseret Zion and in the will to integrate into a meaningful community life.

Please Donate

The community exists thanks to your dues and donations. You can donate by bank transfer, credit card, cash and checks. For more details please click on the title.

Reform Conversion

A personal conversion process that includes a year long course in Judaism under the guidance of the rabbi, a full partnership in community life and the end of the process (after acceptance in the Meram court) - the ceremony of receiving the convert to all of Israel. For more details please contact us.

This website was built thanks to the generous contribution of Orit and Bob Goldwasser in memory of Donald son of Ely and Evelyn Goldwasser